Scottish films

  • Scottish Films (featured in the Herald) is now available. £45 (incl. P&P) – the Paypal link is below.
  • Copies also available now through Hyndland Bookshop (143 Hyndland Road, Glasgow).
  • The definitive (and only) book about Scottish films – featuring entries on over 375 films from 1917 through to the end of 2023. Each entry includes basic data about the film, a short synopsis, and analysis. Every film has been watched carefully by the author.
  • Hardback, 268mm x 215mm, 340pp, full colour, 1.5kg.
  • Richly illustrated throughout.
  • Top 25 (in the view of the author), and bottom 10 lists.
  • Unique ‘thistleometer’ – how Scottish is it?
  • Every film covered (with one slight cheat) is feature length (70 min+), set at least substantially in Scotland, and screened in a cinema.
  • Strictly limited edition of 375 copies (when they’re gone, they’re gone).
  • Your copy will be sent via Royal Mail within 3 days of your order. Note that I can only ship copies to the UK (for orders from outwith the UK contact me and we’ll see what can be done).
  • Paypal link for secure payment


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Welcome to Scottish Films

My book, Scottish Films, is now with the printer, and should be available by April 20th (I’ll change this if this is not the case). A couple of years ago, on a holiday in Shetland, I found myself wondering what to do with the rest of my life. At the age of 58, and after…

My book, Scottish Films, is now with the printer, and should be available by April 20th (I’ll change this if this is not the case). A couple of years ago, on a holiday in Shetland, I found myself wondering what to do with the rest of my life. At the age of 58, and after teaching in academia for over 35 years, I realised I no longer loved my job. At 6:30 in the morning, sitting outside the St Magnus Bay Hotel, on a perfectly still day, I asked myself what were the things that I did love? There’s a fairly short list of things which have (almost) never disappointed me: cricket, chocolate cake, and cinema. Of these, cinema seemed to offer the greatest possibility for consuming a large part of my time if I were to quit my job as Professor of Competition Law and Policy at the University of Glasgow. Out of the blue it occurred to me to write a book about Scottish films. I spent some minutes writing out a list of all the ones I could think of, and quickly realised there were some serious problems to contend with.

First – was there already a book on Scottish films? A quick online check revealed that there was actually very little at all for the Scottish film addict and almost nothing for the general reader. I note that since I started this project back in September 2021 books have been published on Local Hero, Highlander, The Wicker Man, and the career of Bill Douglas, but nothing more general.

Second – what the hell is a Scottish film? A film is not a person and cannot tell you it’s Scottish. There’s actually only one context (outside academic literature) in which this question is addressed – the requirements for the Scottish BAFTA awards – and I don’t think these will resonate hugely with viewers. In the introduction to my book I set out my approach clearly – if you don’t agree with me, you can at least argue against, or expand or contract from, a clearly defined position.

Third – how many Scottish films are there? And man did I underestimate this at the start. I presumed the book would top out at somewhere around 100 films. I deal with 376, and there are another 50 which I believe to be Scottish within my definition, but which are more or less impossible to see without going to a specialist archive (and in some cases not even then). I am sure I will have missed some given I include films in all languages – the book includes French, German, Indian and Chinese-made films amongst others. If anyone can bring others to my attention after looking at the book I’d be grateful.

Fourth – what the hell would my wife say when I woke her up later and told her that I’d resigned my job in order to watch more films?

I’ve spent the last two-and-a-half years working on this, putting my years of academic research, and my years of cinema going, to use. I’ve looked at virtually every online list of ‘Scottish films’ – often with complete exasperation (just because a film features Scotland Yard, it does not make it Scottish! It’s in London guys…) But slowly and surely I identified, obtained, and watched every film covered in the book – at no point have I made any substantial comment about a film unless I have seen it. I’ve corrected errors which repeat again and again online (for example, Laxdale Hall is not set on an Island – as anyone who actually watched the film would immediately know). And I have watched too many films which people claim to be Scottish to determine that they are not. I do rule out films which are set in Scotland for only a small part of their total running time, and I rule out films shot in Scotland, but which are not set in Scotland. The result is a book of 150,000+ words, covering every Scottish film available to see released between 1917 and 2023. My intention is to provide updates from 2024 onwards here.

It’s been a blast, and at times exasperating, and I have seen some wonderful and weird films. I’ve also seen some absolute shite (appendixes set out my top 25 and bottom 10). All are covered. I hope you enjoy the book…


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  • Welcome to Scottish Films

    Welcome to Scottish Films

    My book, Scottish Films, is now with the printer, and should be available by April 20th (I’ll change this if this is not the case). A couple of years ago, on a holiday in Shetland, I found myself wondering what to do with the rest of my life. At the age of 58, and after…

  • First responses in to book

    I cannot change the colour of the headings of these posts without, I think, mucking up the entire website, which is most annoying! I’ve had some early responses to the book. One reader sent through an amazing list of titles which they think I should consider as being ‘Scottish films’ within my definition. What is…